Saturday, February 23, 2008

Smiley Mia

Mia is such a happy girl. Since she is now walking all over the place, she is happy most of the time. She zips around looking for something new to get into. Of course, this makes my job more challenging. She also has a new word. The only intelligible words she said to this point were mama and dada. She babbles a lot, and you can tell she is now trying to turn this babble into words. Yesterday Paige and I were having a conversation about books, and she is sitting on my lap, and out of the blue, says "book!" It was so cute! So, we got a book, and she carried it around saying "book." This morning after she got up, the first thing she said was book! Very cute and funny! I'm not sure she knows what this word means, because everything she touches she says book, but it sure is cute to hear her little voice making words!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you posted these photos!!! What a difference from the first photos we saw. She is really comfortable with you and she LOVES you!! That's awesome. Praise God.

Lily... that's really funny -- hiding DVD's from your family. ::giggle:: Too bad about the $40... yikes.

Wasn't the snow this winter CRAZY! That sure is a neat photo you got of your table... full of snow. LOL That's a lot'a snow!!

I'd better scoot... my clock here says 10:02... past my bedtime and I've still gotta stoke the fire. Akk...